Thursday, February 16, 2012

I challenged myself to paint a painting in under two hours yesterday, and I came up with this. It's far from finished, but doing it as fast as I could prevented me from getting all picky with every detail. Which is pretty liberating - I just started piling the paint on.

Still having trouble with those greens, but I got a significant amount of work done and can fix things later.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Painting Workshop

Last weekend I took a three day painting workshop with Bill Davidson. I had heard great things about him and was looking forward to learning from him. I like to take a workshop - or two - every year to keep sharp and see what other people are doing with their art.
Bill is a great teacher, very cheerful and positive and I will be using some of his ideas in my paintings. I enjoyed being with other people who are serious about their art and it inspired me to paint more and more.
I painted a bunch of little paintings during the workshop and here is one - copied from one of Bill's (lovely) paintings. Mine isn't that lovely, but I enjoyed big brush strokes and putting down lots of paint without messing around.