I have told my students to paint every day and I obviously don't listen to my own advice. After having a disappointing try at a small painting I went back the next day and tried again. I painted this little painting and I was much more comfortable. It proves my point - you have to paint every day, if possible.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
I finally got into my studio after an absence of several weeks and discovered I forgot how to paint! I was all thumbs - couldn't draw, couldn't work the paint, couldn't feel comfortable. I finally did this little painting and felt relieved but I don't like it. The kid's arm looks odd.
So, I will prop it up in the kitchen and ignore it for a couple of days and the problem will reveal itself to me.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Friday, May 21, 2010
Managing Myself
There is a lot to do when you are trying to sell artwork and sometimes it's overwhelming. This a time when I have a lot to do: framing my work, signing artwork into galleries, arranging prints and cards, asking people to carry them in their stores, and keeping track of where everything is. AND finding time to turn out the masterpieces, of course.
I need a manager! My husband, John, does a lot for me but he has a life, too. I was so jealous when I took a (wonderful) workshop with Judy Morris and she told us that her husband does all her framing and she hasn't cooked a meal in years. Wow.
I just got a proof for an ad I placed in the Block Island Times. I was amused to see that the image is pretty crooked. Either my picture taking was terrible or the watercolor paper is warped, but the effect is ....crooked. I will let it go and hope that people looking at it think that my painting is charmingly whimsical.
Block Island Times,
framing signing,
Saturday, May 8, 2010
I have spent the last week organizing paintings to go to Spring Street Gallery and Island Gallery on Block Island. I have reached the part where none of the paintings I have finished make me happy and I start "fixing" them. Big mistake!
This is the time to step away from the paintings and walk away for a while. Here is one I left alone. For now.
To see more go to sharonlehmanart.com
Block Island,
oil painting,
Sharon Lehman,
Spring Street,
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